Get to know the truth about our iconic but deeply misunderstood Utah Lake. Local restoration efforts have cleaned the water, restored wetlands, removed harmful fish + plants, and improved access. It’s an incredible place worthy of our love, respect, and protection. #loveourutahlake

Indigenous Land Acknowledgment: Utah Lake, once called Lake Timpanogos, is on the ancestral lands of the Timpanogos Nation, Snake Band of the Shoshone. To learn more about them and their history in Utah Valley please visit their website.

Most Recent

LRS IS NO MORE — The End of the Island Project: On June 12, 2023 LRS announced their dissolution. Check out Ben Abbott’s blog post about the end of the islands.

GLOBAL WATER DANCES VIDEO: Click pic to go to Keely Song’s Intagram for the gorgeous video. June 10, 2023 a global celebration was held in honor of clean water. In Utah, this happened on the shores on Utah Lake. I was invited to speak and it was such a touching, beautiful event.

Places to Visit the Lake

PLACES TO GO: Provo River Delta Restoration Project. TOURS ONLY RIGHT NOW. See some world-class wetland and river delta restoration happening with the Provo River and Utah Lake. Project will open to public in 2024. PLEASE VISIT THEIR WEBSITE FOR TOUR INFO.

PLACES TO GO: The Knolls: My #2 spot, southwest cove area. Shells, birds, and beautiful views! Also, a good paddle board/kayak launch.(Google pin) This is BLM land.

PLACES TO GO: Utah Lake Parkway: North shore area, in Saratoga Springs. My #1 favorite spot to see the lake, wildlife, plants. (Google pin) THIS AREA HAS BEEN EXPERTLY RESTORED BY THE UTAH DNR-FFSL and is a prime example of wetland and upland restoration.

PLACES TO GO: Smith Family Archeological Preserve TOURS. To connect with the ancient history of the lake, I highly recommend taking a tour of this rock imagery preserve on the shores of Utah Lake. Tours run in spring and fall. For more info or questions email the preserve manager, Em Cebrowski at You can also follow the preserve on Instagram @smith.archaeological.preserve Note: The site is ONLY accessible with a guided tour.

Ecology + History

WATERSHED + WETLANDS. Read about the watershed of Utah Lake and some of the wetlands restoration efforts from Utah Reclamation and Conservation Commission.

Up-to-date Info on the Ecosystem and Restoration Projects from BYU

To read some of the HISTORY of Utah Lake, please visit the website for the Timpanogos Nation

5 minute video (YouTube)

My Writing for Utah Lake

ESSAYS + POEMS: From local publisher, Torrey House Press — a chapbook and online anthology filled with writing about Utah Lake from those who know and love it. My essay: A Bad Reputation on page 40 and my poem “Like a Woman”" in the COME section on website. Click the image to go to the beautiful website with all the writing.

A second letter to editor I wrote in August 2022, The Salt Lake Tribune

Read my letter to the editor published in The Salt Lake Tribune, June 2022

LTE on my experience helping advocate for Utah Lake on the Utah Inland Port Authority issue.